Welcome to the Cyprus Backyard Ultra (CBU), where endurance meets adventure in the heart of Cyprus! Join us for an exhilarating race experience like no other, where runners push their limits in a last-person-standing challenge. Inspired by the renowned Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra, this inaugural event promises thrills, camaraderie, and unforgettable moments as participants test their endurance against the stunning backdrop of Cyprus. Get ready to conquer loops, push boundaries, and make history at CBU!


  • Runners start together and complete the loop within an hour.
  • If they finish before the hour, they wait at the start line for the next loop.
  • No breaks or outside assistance allowed except between loops.
  • As the race progresses, the loop becomes mentally and physically challenging.
  • The true test lies in pacing, recovery, and mental resilience.

A single-elimination endurance event with no set finish line, runners complete a designated loop of 6.706 meters every hour. The last runner standing after everyone else Did Not Finish (DNF) wins!